Friday, 5 March 2010

Friday Photo Flashback!

As I am still waiting for my scanner I can not post 'Eventful Holidays!' as the photos are not yet on the computer, so I have decided to post pictures of me with my grandparents.

These are the only pictures I have of me with both my sets of grandparents. They mean a lot to me as three of them have now passed away.

My Nanna, Grandad, my cousin Jayne and me, Easter 1975 when I had just started walking. My Grandad passed away when I was eight years old so I only vaguely remember him but my Nanna lives with my Auntie, who lives next door to my Mum!!!

This is me in 1976 and I will have been about two and a half with my Grandma and Grandad. I miss them every day especially as they were the last link really that held our family together after my dad passed away. My Grandad also gave me away when I got married and gave the most wonderful speech which left all the guests in tears, something I will never forget!

For more fabulous Friday Photo Flashbacks (which I have to say is my favourite posting day of the week) visit Alicia at More Than Words!


  1. Those are precious and memorable pictures! Thanks for sharing!

    My Flashback Photo Friday is located here:

    Have a great weekend!

  2. What sweet pictures! I wish I was able to know my grandparents on my fathers side, but they lived in the Philippines. But, I am close to my maternal grandparents.

  3. I love all your pictures....They are adorable!

    stopped by from Friday Follow!

  4. Love the pics! Happy Friday!

  5. Love the pictures :)

    Visiting from "Friday Follow"...I'm your newest follower! Love for you to come visit me :)

    Have a great weekend!
    ~Shelley @ Shelley's Swag

  6. You are sooo lucky you have pics of your grandparents!! These are great! So sweet!

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    Hope this helps!
    Sorry so long, and I hope it's not too confusing.

  7. Thanks for that, I didn't know that word verification thing was even on and I didn't know how to show my email, so thanks for that - you wouldn't believe my husband works in IT!

  8. Great pics.. (= New Follower from Friday Follow.. Happy Friday.

  9. your grandfather is such a sweet you a sweet speech that left the guests in tears and maybe some are wishing that their grandpa is like yours:)

    mine's here:

  10. "Following you from Happy Follow Friday!"

  11. Hey! Found you over at Friday Follow and thought I'd stop by.

    Feel free to stop by any of my blogs and follow them.

    My family blog:

    My custom blog designs blog:

    My photography blog:

    Happy Friday! Have a blessed weekend! :)

  12. Those pictures and those memories are precious. Thanks so much for sharing.

  13. Wonderful photos! And how special to have had your grandad give you away on your wedding day.
    Sweet photos that you can always remember memories with.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (yay! I'm finally catching up on some blog reading!)

  14. Old photos just give you that warm/fuzzy feeling! Thank you so much for sharing those with us.

    I found you through the "Friday Follow" and decided to follow you with Google Friend Connect. I look forward to further exploring your blog! Come on over and visit the Freely Living Life Family when you get a free moment. Happy blog hopping! <3

  15. What a memorable pics!

    Hi, I am your latest follower from FF, I am a tadbit late on the follow. I will hang around and read for a while. Hope you can follow me as well on my blog at

  16. Hey just stopping by to say Hi from Friday Follow! I love your flashback.

    Happy Follow Friday!

