Friday, 9 July 2010
I never realised having children was so emotionally hard work!!! I hope it gets easier than this, somebody please tell me it does!
Friday, 9 April 2010
Friday Photo Flashback!
I thought I would go for a wedding theme for today's Flashback! My sister got married in about 1978/79 to her first husband. She told everyone a week before the wedding that she was getting married!!! You have got to love seventies fashion!!!
This is my sister and her husband on her first wedding day with my mum and our dad!

Here I am as 'bridesmaid' with my sister and three of my brothers!

And the group photograph, which has my Grandma and Grandad, Great Aunt and also my Auntie!

For more Friday Photo Flashbacks visit Alicia at More Than Words.
This is my sister and her husband on her first wedding day with my mum and our dad!

Here I am as 'bridesmaid' with my sister and three of my brothers!

And the group photograph, which has my Grandma and Grandad, Great Aunt and also my Auntie!

For more Friday Photo Flashbacks visit Alicia at More Than Words.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Life is overwhelming...
...or that is how it seems!
Things over the past couple of months seem to have been crazy! We have had a lot of different emotional stuff with various family members to deal with and the problems are still continuing. I have to say, I very rarely stick my head in the sand and like to know everything about everything but not this time. I have a problem and I now have to go for tests and I am a little bit scared about what they might find.
I wish life didn't seem so hard sometimes and I apologise for the 'I feel sorry for myself' post!
Things over the past couple of months seem to have been crazy! We have had a lot of different emotional stuff with various family members to deal with and the problems are still continuing. I have to say, I very rarely stick my head in the sand and like to know everything about everything but not this time. I have a problem and I now have to go for tests and I am a little bit scared about what they might find.
I wish life didn't seem so hard sometimes and I apologise for the 'I feel sorry for myself' post!
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Getting To Know You Sundays!
Well it is Getting To Know You Sundays over at MannLand5 so click here to play along!
The questions this week...
1. What year did you graduate high school?
I finished secondary school in 1990, when I was 16 (the leaving age in the UK)
2. What part of your body do you neglect the most?
All of it I'm afraid
3. Beach house or Lake house?
Beach always beach!
4. Mac or PC?
5. Did you wear braces?
No and neither did my husband but it looks like our kids are going to have to.
6. If you could be one person for a or deceased..who would you be?
Michelle Duggar, to know what it is like to have so many kids or me when I first had Ellie so I could experience just having her again.
7. How many times have you moved in your life?
Twice as a child and once since I have been married.
8. Would you rather cook or clean?
Clean!!! I hate cooking, it stresses me out everyday, especially as the children are picky eaters. I can't say that I love cleaning but it at least it gives me some satisfaction when the house is tidy, well for a few minutes until the kids trash it again.
The questions this week...
1. What year did you graduate high school?
I finished secondary school in 1990, when I was 16 (the leaving age in the UK)
2. What part of your body do you neglect the most?
All of it I'm afraid
3. Beach house or Lake house?
Beach always beach!
4. Mac or PC?
5. Did you wear braces?
No and neither did my husband but it looks like our kids are going to have to.
6. If you could be one person for a or deceased..who would you be?
Michelle Duggar, to know what it is like to have so many kids or me when I first had Ellie so I could experience just having her again.
7. How many times have you moved in your life?
Twice as a child and once since I have been married.
8. Would you rather cook or clean?
Clean!!! I hate cooking, it stresses me out everyday, especially as the children are picky eaters. I can't say that I love cleaning but it at least it gives me some satisfaction when the house is tidy, well for a few minutes until the kids trash it again.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Friday Photo Flashback!
Life seems to have been quite hectic over the last couple of weeks, so hopefully my blogging will get back on track!
My photographs this week are in memory of my little dog Jet who had to be put to sleep nearly a fortnight ago. He was almost 17 years old and was my first 'baby'. My sister had got his brother 'Mutley' and she told us there were another couple of pups left. We saw him and fell in love with him, he has been the best dog and used to lay on my knee like a baby, something he wouldn't do for anyone else. When I got married and moved out Jet stayed with my mum as we would be out at work full time. It is sad he is no longer with us, but I am sure he will be running around in doggy heaven with our other dog Barney!
We love you Jetty xxx
Ellie and Jet

George and Jet

For more fabulous Friday Photo Flashbacks visit Alicia at More Than Words!
My photographs this week are in memory of my little dog Jet who had to be put to sleep nearly a fortnight ago. He was almost 17 years old and was my first 'baby'. My sister had got his brother 'Mutley' and she told us there were another couple of pups left. We saw him and fell in love with him, he has been the best dog and used to lay on my knee like a baby, something he wouldn't do for anyone else. When I got married and moved out Jet stayed with my mum as we would be out at work full time. It is sad he is no longer with us, but I am sure he will be running around in doggy heaven with our other dog Barney!
We love you Jetty xxx
Ellie and Jet
George and Jet
For more fabulous Friday Photo Flashbacks visit Alicia at More Than Words!
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
What a week!
The sickness bug came to visit the girls last week, Ben had to make a trip to the emergency dentist as one of his teeth cracked in half and he had to have it removed, my mum's dog of 17 years had to be put down plus numerous other things meant that I only managed to post once this week and my blog reading was non existent!
Well Max is asleep and I have 40 minutes before I have to go and pick the kids up from school so I can either do some much needed cleaning up OR I can catch up on some blogs, it's a hard choice, but blogging it is!
Well Max is asleep and I have 40 minutes before I have to go and pick the kids up from school so I can either do some much needed cleaning up OR I can catch up on some blogs, it's a hard choice, but blogging it is!
Friday, 5 March 2010
Friday Photo Flashback!
As I am still waiting for my scanner I can not post 'Eventful Holidays!' as the photos are not yet on the computer, so I have decided to post pictures of me with my grandparents.
These are the only pictures I have of me with both my sets of grandparents. They mean a lot to me as three of them have now passed away.
My Nanna, Grandad, my cousin Jayne and me, Easter 1975 when I had just started walking. My Grandad passed away when I was eight years old so I only vaguely remember him but my Nanna lives with my Auntie, who lives next door to my Mum!!!

This is me in 1976 and I will have been about two and a half with my Grandma and Grandad. I miss them every day especially as they were the last link really that held our family together after my dad passed away. My Grandad also gave me away when I got married and gave the most wonderful speech which left all the guests in tears, something I will never forget!

For more fabulous Friday Photo Flashbacks (which I have to say is my favourite posting day of the week) visit Alicia at More Than Words!
These are the only pictures I have of me with both my sets of grandparents. They mean a lot to me as three of them have now passed away.
My Nanna, Grandad, my cousin Jayne and me, Easter 1975 when I had just started walking. My Grandad passed away when I was eight years old so I only vaguely remember him but my Nanna lives with my Auntie, who lives next door to my Mum!!!

This is me in 1976 and I will have been about two and a half with my Grandma and Grandad. I miss them every day especially as they were the last link really that held our family together after my dad passed away. My Grandad also gave me away when I got married and gave the most wonderful speech which left all the guests in tears, something I will never forget!

For more fabulous Friday Photo Flashbacks (which I have to say is my favourite posting day of the week) visit Alicia at More Than Words!
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Nursery time
Well it has happened, the dreaded phone call from the Nursery!!!
Max has been offered a place at the nursery for five afternoons a week starting from September. I can't believe it, wasn't it only yesterday he was like this... doesn't seem right that it is time for nursery already, I am sure that he is still just a baby!!!
How does the school system work in the USA? There seems to be quite a few differences between the UK and USA schooling, ie yearly graduating, deferring for a year, being held back and at what age children start school etc. I would love it if someone could tell me about it, I am not nosey (honest), just really interested :)
Max has been offered a place at the nursery for five afternoons a week starting from September. I can't believe it, wasn't it only yesterday he was like this... doesn't seem right that it is time for nursery already, I am sure that he is still just a baby!!!
How does the school system work in the USA? There seems to be quite a few differences between the UK and USA schooling, ie yearly graduating, deferring for a year, being held back and at what age children start school etc. I would love it if someone could tell me about it, I am not nosey (honest), just really interested :)
Monday, 1 March 2010
Memory Monday!
I have decided that for the time being on a Monday I will share memories past, some good, others not so!
Well as it is around the time I found out I was pregnant with my first child I thought I would share that story!
I had longed for a baby for a number of years, I knew really that it was all l I ever wanted out of life to be a wife and a mother and in that order. Our wedding was arranged for 30 September 1995 and I secretly hoped that we would be able to start trying for a family straight away. Mark had other ideas, he didn't feel it was the right time as money was tight and I had also agreed to be a bridesmaid at my cousin's wedding the following August and he felt it was unfair of me to let her down. It was doubly hard for me because a couple of weeks before we got married Mark's younger brother announced that his girlfriend was pregnant with a baby, due the following May.
Well May came along and we were blessed with a lovely baby Nephew and then August a few months later and I was a bridesmaid, but still no mention of starting my longed for family. I felt so desperate but each time I mentioned it Mark felt it was still not the right time.
At this point I was working at a doctors' surgery and had made a very good friend. She had been trying for a baby for almost two years with no luck and had had to undergo some minor surgery to see if it would be helpful. It was the day after Boxing Day and my friend had to work, I remember it was lunchtime and the phone rang. My friend had said that she felt funny, wondered if she could be pregnant and decided that she was going to do a pregnancy test in the toilets at work. She said she would ring me back! The test was positive, she was absolutely over the moon and even though I could not have been happier for her, it made me feel that my becoming pregnant was nowhere in sight.
I carried on as normal but inside I was becoming more and more desperate about the whole situation. We had a holiday booked in the January with my mum and it was lovely to get away, but on our return I still felt the same way. In the end I told Mark just how strongly I felt about starting a family and I also told him that what had happened to my friend could happen to us and it might take us years to conceive a child and amazingly he agreed it was time.
Well it was the first month of trying and it was two days before I should have taken the pregnancy test but I could not wait any longer. I woke up at 3am, tiptoed out of bed to the toilet (thinking Mark was asleep), locked the door, did the test and turned it upside down on the bathroom cabinet. The next thing I knew was Mark shouting, asking what I was doing. I tried to sound casual and answered nothing but he knew something was going on. I turned the test over and could not believe it, after only one month of trying, there was a line, albeit a faint one. I was ecstatic and very shocked. I opened the door and Mark was stood there and I managed to whisper "I think I am pregnant"! I don't think either of us could believe it and I remember putting the test on my bedside table and looking at it all night long to make sure the line was still there.
I did another test two days later (in the supermarket toilets) and there could be no mistaking that result with it's dark blue line!
My due date was 29 November 1997, but Ellie decided to make us wait for a few days and came into the world on 7 December 1997 weighing 6lbs 3ozs and we have never looked back!

Well as it is around the time I found out I was pregnant with my first child I thought I would share that story!
I had longed for a baby for a number of years, I knew really that it was all l I ever wanted out of life to be a wife and a mother and in that order. Our wedding was arranged for 30 September 1995 and I secretly hoped that we would be able to start trying for a family straight away. Mark had other ideas, he didn't feel it was the right time as money was tight and I had also agreed to be a bridesmaid at my cousin's wedding the following August and he felt it was unfair of me to let her down. It was doubly hard for me because a couple of weeks before we got married Mark's younger brother announced that his girlfriend was pregnant with a baby, due the following May.
Well May came along and we were blessed with a lovely baby Nephew and then August a few months later and I was a bridesmaid, but still no mention of starting my longed for family. I felt so desperate but each time I mentioned it Mark felt it was still not the right time.
At this point I was working at a doctors' surgery and had made a very good friend. She had been trying for a baby for almost two years with no luck and had had to undergo some minor surgery to see if it would be helpful. It was the day after Boxing Day and my friend had to work, I remember it was lunchtime and the phone rang. My friend had said that she felt funny, wondered if she could be pregnant and decided that she was going to do a pregnancy test in the toilets at work. She said she would ring me back! The test was positive, she was absolutely over the moon and even though I could not have been happier for her, it made me feel that my becoming pregnant was nowhere in sight.
I carried on as normal but inside I was becoming more and more desperate about the whole situation. We had a holiday booked in the January with my mum and it was lovely to get away, but on our return I still felt the same way. In the end I told Mark just how strongly I felt about starting a family and I also told him that what had happened to my friend could happen to us and it might take us years to conceive a child and amazingly he agreed it was time.
Well it was the first month of trying and it was two days before I should have taken the pregnancy test but I could not wait any longer. I woke up at 3am, tiptoed out of bed to the toilet (thinking Mark was asleep), locked the door, did the test and turned it upside down on the bathroom cabinet. The next thing I knew was Mark shouting, asking what I was doing. I tried to sound casual and answered nothing but he knew something was going on. I turned the test over and could not believe it, after only one month of trying, there was a line, albeit a faint one. I was ecstatic and very shocked. I opened the door and Mark was stood there and I managed to whisper "I think I am pregnant"! I don't think either of us could believe it and I remember putting the test on my bedside table and looking at it all night long to make sure the line was still there.
I did another test two days later (in the supermarket toilets) and there could be no mistaking that result with it's dark blue line!
My due date was 29 November 1997, but Ellie decided to make us wait for a few days and came into the world on 7 December 1997 weighing 6lbs 3ozs and we have never looked back!
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Getting To Know You Sundays!
It is here again Getting to know you Sundays over at Mannland5!!

1. Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?
I really wouldn't want to do either as I am scared of heights but if I had to choose it would be skydive
2. When using a public restroom to you squat over the seat or sit?
I sit, am not athletic enough to squat!
3. Favorite flower?
Frescias for their scent.
4. Pedicure or manicure?
I have never had either one but would probably be manicure.
5. How many siblings do you have?
I have two half sisters and four half brothers (from my dad's previous marriage), I am the youngest!
6. Do you pee in the shower? (gasp!)
I have, on occasion!!!
7. Bikini, tankini, or one piece?
Anything that covers my body as much as possible!
8. Where do you hate to shop at, but go there anyway?
I do not like shopping at all and try to avoid most shops at all costs.
1. Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?
I really wouldn't want to do either as I am scared of heights but if I had to choose it would be skydive
2. When using a public restroom to you squat over the seat or sit?
I sit, am not athletic enough to squat!
3. Favorite flower?
Frescias for their scent.
4. Pedicure or manicure?
I have never had either one but would probably be manicure.
5. How many siblings do you have?
I have two half sisters and four half brothers (from my dad's previous marriage), I am the youngest!
6. Do you pee in the shower? (gasp!)
I have, on occasion!!!
7. Bikini, tankini, or one piece?
Anything that covers my body as much as possible!
8. Where do you hate to shop at, but go there anyway?
I do not like shopping at all and try to avoid most shops at all costs.
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