Sunday, 28 February 2010

Getting To Know You Sundays!

It is here again Getting to know you Sundays over at Mannland5!!

1. Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?

I really wouldn't want to do either as I am scared of heights but if I had to choose it would be skydive

2. When using a public restroom to you squat over the seat or sit?

I sit, am not athletic enough to squat!

3. Favorite flower?

Frescias for their scent.

4. Pedicure or manicure?

I have never had either one but would probably be manicure.

5. How many siblings do you have?

I have two half sisters and four half brothers (from my dad's previous marriage), I am the youngest!

6. Do you pee in the shower? (gasp!)

I have, on occasion!!!

7. Bikini, tankini, or one piece?

Anything that covers my body as much as possible!

8. Where do you hate to shop at, but go there anyway?

I do not like shopping at all and try to avoid most shops at all costs.


  1. Hi, Just checking out your blog and your answers! I am linked up also today! I love Sundays and look forward to answering Keely's questions! have a great Sunday!!!

  2. I am so feeling you on #'s 2 and 7!...I should really work on my squating abilities!

    Happy Sunday!

  3. Just checking in to what you wrote today and say hi.

  4. Well, that's different. I've never seen that one before. Personally some of those questions are entirely TOO much information. LOL Hope you're having a nice day, and I was wondering I saw that you follow me, and was wondering if yo could stop at my blog when you have a moment. I have something for you. THANKS.

  5. you need to treat your self to a manicure and pedicure girl! They are awesome!

  6. haha...!
    If I can't squat, I use lots and lots of toilet paper around the seat!! :P
    Or avoid public baths all together.
    I pee in my shower all the time! There; I said it! I clean my own bathroom, anyway!
