Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Back to normal

Well this morning went exactly as predicted, well apart from the fact we all slept in later than we should've done. Ellie had to be shouted down from her bed with half an hour to spare, packed lunches made and school bags sorted out, I have to add that the bags probably should have been done when they finished school two and a half weeks ago, but being the disorganised person that I am, things tend to get left until the last minute. The problem was that the two school reading books which Ben was sent home with, seem to have disappeared, he should have read these numerous times while he was on Christmas holidays but we never seemed to have time. If I don't find them by the end of next week then we will receive a bill for them!

It wasn't too quiet today, I did try to get some more cleaning done, but it is so cold I just want to sit with a nice big warm blanket and a 'heatie wheatie'! My mum came over in the afternoon and stayed with us until after tea so that was a nice change. She doesn't live far from us, only about 10 minutes but, she doesn't visit too often now because she has two old dogs that can't be left on their own for long periods of time.

Mark drove her home and now he has taken Cooper out for a long walk, hopefully it will tire him out. He was very tired last after he had pinched a full packet of cocktail sausages off the kitchen side and eaten them all, I am not sure if he was tired or just queasy!!

Ellie has decided it is a good thing to do to draw on her hands everyday when she is at school, so at the moment she is in the bath trying to scrub the ink off. Lydia is watching Chronicles of Narnia and Ben is on the Nintendo dsi. Max is playing imagination movers and is pretending his fingers are the wobble goggles and keeps looking at the curtains saying he has figured it out. I just love two year olds they are soooo sweeet!

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