Friday, 29 January 2010

Friday Photo Flashback!

Here are a few pictures of me with two of my brothers. I have two sisters and four brothers altogether (all my siblings are from my dad's previous marriage), our family was split with my eldest brother and eldest sister living with my dad's parents, another sister and brother living with their mother and the two youngest brothers lived with us. It is a very complicated story as to why this happened!!!

Anyway, here are a few photos of me and my two brothers who lived with us.

Don't you just love the seventies....

......and the early eighties!!!

For more fabulous Friday Photo Flashbacks visit More Than Words.


  1. Wow! You have alot of siblings! Are you all close now?

    I grew up in the 70's & 80's! Good times for sure!

  2. It is funny to note the styles and look of the earlier years. I enjoyed your photos.


  3. I have fond memories of them and yes the pictures show them well

  4. There is nothing better than pictures from the 70s!! Even when they're not meant to be funny, they always are! Have a good weekend ~ ♥

  5. Our family situation was quite complicated so I am closer to some of my siblings more than others. I am very close to one of my brothers in particular, funnily enough he is the sibling that I saw the least of, he is 9 years older than me and lived away so I only saw him maybe once a year! I am also close to my eldest sister (13 years my senior) and the two brothers in the photograph. One of them now lives in Tucson, Arizona and the other lives about 300miles away near London so I do not see or hear much from them. Unfortunately since the death of our dad 22 years ago and then my paternal grandparents, 13 years and 5 years ago the family has not regularly kept in touch!

  6. Those are awesome pics!! The 70's and 80's were a great time:) Thanks for sharing them!

    I'm following you!!

  7. Thanks Lisa for being my first follower!!! :)

  8. Stopping by from Friday Follow to say Hi! I am now a follower! ;-)

    Don't forget to stop by and link up at Trendy Treehouse for more Follow Me Friday Fun!

  9. I do LOVE the 70's and 80' to look at those older pictures and you can almost always date them by their styles and colors.

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. This are great pictures!!! I was born in the 70's myself, but I've always loved that decade way better than the 80's and 90's.


  11. These are great pics Lisa. followed this one as well.

    New Born Days

  12. I love looking at old photos. Its funny that the one brother has his arms crossed every time :)

    Follow Friday!

  13. Ahh...the glorious seventies!

    Following Friday here.

  14. Ah, I think complicated family relations were definitely part of life for any of us born in the 60s or early 70s. I have the same kind of stuff in my childhood. As for the 70s, I see kids wearing their hair like that again and just shake my head...doesn't look any less strange this time around.

  15. Hilarious! I'm following from Friday Follow!

  16. Great pictures. Hello! I'm following from Friday Follow. Nice to meet you.

  17. I loved the 70's!! Just hate the pics :) What was my mother thinkin' when she bought me those clothes!! LOL!

    New follower from "Friday Follow"! I'd love for you to come visit me!

    Have a great weekend!

  18. Awesome pics! I love old photos.

    Thanks for linking up at Friday Follow! It’s such a grand day to meet you, so here I am...your newest blog follower. Happy weekend!

    ~ Lynn

  19. Great pics I grew up in the 70's still can not believe some of the things we wore back in the day!Stopping by from Friday Follow. LOVE your blog it is great! Have a great weekend and I will be back to visit again soon.

  20. Brothers and sisters seems to be the theme this week. Hey, that's an idea... I might need to run that by Alicia... themes once in a while.
